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Indoor Air Quality Studio (IAQStudioA Tool for Modeling Indoor Air Quality at the Early-stage DesignPublication LinkWebsite Link
PI: Mehdi Ashayeri, PhD. Assistant Professor of Architecture, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale 
SYNOPSISIAQStudio is a novel computational tool designed to enable Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) simulation during the early-stage building design process. The objective of IAQStudio is to create a comprehensive package for simulating time-series indoor and outdoor-sourced air pollution concentrations, including both particulate (PM1, PM2.5, PM10) and gaseous (NO2, O3, VOC, CH2O, CO, and CO2) pollutants. The tool integrates outdoor-sourced air pollution dynamics and indoor air pollution generation patterns in an integrated way.IAQStudio further streamlines the modeling process by unifying all design components into a single platform, thereby obviating the need to migrate the model to other software for analysis. The tool is developed based on the latest IAQ-engineering literature and can be coupled with the EnergyPlus engine and the U.S. Department of Energy's OpenStudio building libraries to optimize the model for maximum IAQ performance by adjusting a pool of building characteristics. The model is evaluated based on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s IAQ standards to ensure that it meets the necessary standards for "better" IAQ for building occupants.One of the primary advantages of IAQStudio is that it enables designers to conduct IAQ simulations during the early stages of building design, thereby avoiding costly and time-consuming redesigns later in the process. Furthermore, IAQStudio provides a unified platform for simulating both indoor and outdoor-sourced pollutants and evaluating the resulting IAQ, which can aid designers in optimizing building design for improved IAQ performance.

The software will be released in three phases: